Monday 5th April 2010 I am researching old fire stations, and am interested to know the address of the station which Mavis was stored behind. Was it Paradise Road? (I know of the Priory Road station and the current one). Does the building still exist? If so, can you describe an exact location (or earth location etc) as I would like to photograph it for my web site at some stage. Congratulations on the restoration. I have had preserved fire appliances, so know the work involved! Regards, Kevin Hale
Saturday 7th January 2006 Very good site! I like it! Thanks! Car
Monday 21st November 2005 My partner and I are members of a reenactment group, and have been in the company of 'Helen', fully restored NAAFI canteen, it would appear to be a conversion of the same vehicle as Mavis! Please let us know which events you will be going to, we shall endeavour to come and see her' Margaret and Paul
Thursday 11th August 2005 Hi Dr Clayton Very interested to see a picture of Mavis. (I thought she was a steam engine!!) I haven't had time today to have a good look at your website as I'm at work but I will certainly make time over the weekend to have another look. Best wishes Diane BEECHCROFT SURGERY
Monday 21st February 2005 Just passing through while out surfing. Like your site kep it up. Please come and see my aol journal about a suffolk UK firefighter and his relationship with senior managers Oliver Codd
Monday 26th April 2004 What an interesting vehicle. Have you ever thought of joining the Fire Service Preservation Group? There may well be someone who could help with the fire service history of Mavis. Incidently I have a 1939 Bedford ex Somerset FB I am just starting to restore, as well as a 'modern' appliance. Paul Stevens
Friday 22nd November 2002 Thank you for viisting my showroom yesterday and I think this project is great! Robert Drewe Williams
Friday 19th April 2002 Looks like a lot of fun! I do hope you can bring Mavis to Oxford. If not, maybe our next event at Leyland Lancashire during September, (date not yet certain). I will pass on your website details to Geoff Fishwick, our technical guy, (a young 73 year old!) as I'm sure he would like to see Mavis too. See you soon! Tony Cripps
Thursday 25th October 2001 Who said you could post pics of the Suffolk Home Guard on the web then.. you 'orrible little man! Hope Mavis is well and nearly ready for a spin - we are looking forward to havin' a nice cup of char from her. TTFN Sgt Dennis (Instructions from a Former Naval Person, "Action this day". It will be good for recruitment and morale, he says - PC39, Kent Constabulary, Deal)
Sunday 16th September 2001
Geoff and Shirley enjoyed meeting you at the 1940's weekend in the new Gunpowder Museum Waltham Abbey. The characters in period costume helped bring it to life and the groups of kids enjoyed being drilled by the sergeant. Hope to see Mavis there next year! x Will&Ron
Monday 30th April 2001 Expect we'll see you about in the summer. Looking forward to meeting Mavis!
Hoc and Mark (Phliss and Ginge)
Saturday 24th February 2001 Details of North Yorkshire Moors Railway wartime weekend are in the post. After talking to Geoffery I think this event would be right up your groups steet, Regards Tony
Tony Whalley